Sunday, October 01, 2006

its raining!

yay for rain.

I will be spending the rest of today studying it looks like. Some of my friends were going to the beach but that got canceled due to the weather, so im going to try and finish the odyssey.

Hope your all having a great weekend.


Anonymous said...

Wish it was raining here...been kind of overcast and gloomy. We miss you!!!Can't wait to see you next weekend, love Mom, Dad and All

Anonymous said...

Although I haven't commented previously, I have kept up and greatly enjoy your blog. It sounds like TAC is a good fit for you.
Your classes seem interesting, but I don't know about the pace of Latin. Good Luck!!
The people who don't like brussel spouts aren't supertasters ... their finicky.
Study hard and have fun learning.
Mrs. Colvin

Anonymous said...

can you edit once you post?
"They're" for "their"